jadikan senyuman sebagai peneman :) ada kalanya senyuman mampu mengubat luka di hati.

Monday 31 December 2012

goodbye 2012

Assalamualaikum :)

end of chapter 12. this is page 366 of 366 in my book of 2012. tomorrow will open a new book. and starting tomorrow too i will be an adult ! no more teen :( i will be TWENTY ! ohhemmmgeeeee. seriously ? yes. *muka serious* hmmmmmm. pnat meyh speaking. MUET next sem so tayah nk praktik awl sgt. cehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. bajet english kau daboom jea kn. puii !

hmm. lets see ape yg dah jdik spnjg taon niyh. zreeeeeeeeeeeeeenggggggg *rewind* okayy. memori tersekat-2. xdpt igt dgn baik -____________-' 

cter ape yg igt jea laa yek :D okayy. hal dgn mpp dah setel *rasanya* that boy pon dh minx maaf even xofficially. yeah well easy to forgive hard to forgot :) 
and this year jugak rasa taon yg pling em nth laa. teruk mungkin ? huhuu. this year aku kehilangan orang yang aku sgt sayang. my mom (al-fatihah). boleh rujuk entry lepas. 
this year too aku ditipu oleh darah daging aku sendiri. pedih sgt. ditipu hidup-2. almost 9 years ! yeah. and smpai skang aku xboleh nk trime. bukan xredha cumaaaaaaaa. hm. ntahlaa. and aku slalu hrap bnde niyh cuma mmpy malangnya ianya bnar-2 trjadi ! so aku just pura-2 bnde niyh xpnah brlaku. itu lebih baik buat aku. 
2012 surely give a lot of moment to remember ! not a good one but a bad one :( 
newayy. i still have a good moment in 2012 *i guess* 
one of it. aku dpt jdik jpk. well sekurg-2nye aku dpt tunaikn jnji aku pd someone. wanna be a jpk :) and knowing my jpk's family is the best in 2012 :) i do love them. a lot :') roomates jugaa sgt ohsem ! hohoo. nk cter ke tanak. hmm-2.. t laa. tggu end of this semester so boleh kmpul byk cter ttg mereka :)

okayy. dahh tataw laa nk cter ape :/ just hope,wish n pray that 2013 will bring more happiness, laugh and bless in my life. aminnnnnnnnnnnn.

soo tataa 2012 hello 2013. bismillahhhhhhh. *open new book*

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