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Wednesday 4 April 2012

31 march 2012 @ 3.40 p.m.

losing my mom at that date. it such a very sad day ever. i took bus from jengka to melaka and reach there by 2.30 p.m. rushing to my mom n kissed her. tears starting to fall over. tried to keep my sadness from her but i'm failed. reading yassin, praying, teach her to say "lailahaillallah". soon after that, my aunt took over my place. they holding my mom hand n slowly my mom close her eyes. Ya Allah ! i feel like the time is stopped. kept calling 'mak' hoping that she is just sleeping. but the truth is she already left us. crying out loud. mommm. why did you left me ? i still don't have the opportunity to give her happiness, bring a diploma, treating her with my first salary, send her to Mekah n so manyy more. 
nangis lgy terok dr gmbr niyh.

cried a lot till i feel like can't breath normally. answering call with that condition. letting others know that I AM CRYING with severe. cannot talk to them. aunts kept ask me to be strong. but i can't. really. able to bathe her body. telling heart to be strong and don't cry. waiting for my elder brother. he ask not to buried her till he arrive. till 8pm, he still not arrive. they have to buried her a.s.a.p. my dad cried,asking n begging them to wait. try to calm my dad but i cry too. fortunately they agree to wait a little bit. finally after isya' he arrives. he is so strong. he is not crying. he kissed our mom for the last time. after that we hugged each other. giving and sharing calmness. 

trying to accept Allah's will. Allah loves my mom more that's why Allah take her. thenx to all my frenz who give me support. i truly love you guys. losing someone i love forever really hurts, but i still have friends and family love. 

kenangan dengan ibu tersayang. rindu tyme niyhh !
mom. forgive me for all my doings. i love you with all my heart mom. my pray will always be with you.

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